Small footprint, comfortable fit
The Cabin
Helena, Montana
Life is full of change, kids grow up, and priorities evolve. With the kids out of the house, our clients were ready to sell their old A-fame cabin that had served the family for several decades. According to our client, her kids reminded her of how meaningful their family traditions and childhood memories were to them. They had formed friendships with the neighbors, and the cabin happened to sit on an amazing piece of land with a gully overlooking the Upper Missouri. Fortunately they reconsidered, and our client started envisioning a new place, that would server he and her husband as a year-round retreat, but also have basic accommodations for visiting family.
Location, permitting, personal preference, and budget all made us look for the smallest, yet comfortable, fit. A small footprint means truly understanding what is important. This project was designed for one large open living space to enjoy the view. Everything else compressed to make space for that one main experience. Space for many more new memories to come.
Building Area: 2000 sf
Completion: 2017
Photography: Cody Brown